2014 Research Services, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
2012 Biochar Tables and Figures
A compilation of reclamation projects using biochar to treat water and land mining disturbances
2012 Biochar Data Summary
Summary of various biochar applications, experiments and results
2012 Riparian Protocol Summary and Analysis
Testing and evaluation of the USDA’s protocol for riparian monitoring
Alpine Cascade Forest Thinning Project
Report on the results of forest thinning on the Alpine Cascade Ranch
Lightner Creek Sediment Monitoring Initiative Phase II
Sampling, testing and reporting on sediment loading into Lightner Creek
Wetlands Delineation at Hidden Valley Ranch
Evaluation of wetlands as a result of a series of small dams in riparian zone
Vegetation sampling and studies
Research Services LLC (RS) is an environmental consulting and research firm specializing in creative and sustainable solutions for complex environmental issues.
Our science based approach will provide you with quantitative results and the understanding needed to solve multi-dimensional environmental challenges. We offer services ranging from experimental studies, site assessment and planning, ecosystem monitoring, as well as turn-key solutions for site remediation of impacted lands.
Our expertise ranges from hydrologic and hydrogeochemical assessment and monitoring to forest systems ecology and soil and rangeland restoration. With our broad knowledge base we can provide you with the right solution for your unique needs.
In addition to environmental solutions, we also provide ecological data collection services, including water, soil, and vegetation sampling, as well as GPS/Geomorphic surveying.
Across the West and beyond we can meet your natural resource assessment and remediation needs.
RS can support many types of ecosystem analyses from highly controlled laboratory experiments to large and long term field monitoring efforts. Our strategy of scaled experiments can provide you with the right answers at the right time creating lasting solutions that will meet your requirements at the lowest cost.
Professional and Efficient
The project implementation stage is a critical step for successful restoration projects. We understand both design and construction and can assist with on-site management of or provide general contracting to ensure that project outcomes meet design specifications.
We provide a broad range of ecosystem assessment and land reclamation services, see our projects page to find out how we can assist you.
Ecosystem Mapping and Assessment
Restoration and Land Reclamation
Research and Special Studies